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Corso settimanale di Teatro di Comunità
a 24 giu

Corso settimanale di Teatro di Comunità

Uno spazio per scoprire se stessǝ e gli altri attraverso la giocosità, la spontaneità, l’espressione corporea e vocale, in uno spazio sicuro dove ascoltare e raccontarsi. Con Devrim, Insegnante Accreditato di Playback Theatre e Listening Hour Trainer.

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Crescendo - Inizi di comunità
a 14 giu

Crescendo - Inizi di comunità

Un laboratorio per bambini dai 6 agli 11 anni, ideato per esplorare insieme cosa significa vivere e creare in comunità. Un luogo per esprimersi liberamente, sperimentando il proprio essere sia come individui che come parte di un gruppo. Ogni settimana scopriremo insieme qualcosa di nuovo su noi stessi, sul mondo che ci circonda e su come le nostre azioni influenzano chi ci sta accanto, e viceversa.

Un viaggio di crescita, creatività e condivisione!

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Ora di Ascolto
a 28 mag

Ora di Ascolto

L’Ora di Ascolto è un format leggero e profondo allo stesso tempo. Un’ora in cui un piccolo gruppo di persone di riuniscono per condividere spontaneamente alcune storie di vita vissuta. Un incontro in cui ciascuna narrazione si lega alla precedente attraverso connessioni profonde e a volte misteriose. Il tutto facilitato da una Guida che porta alla luce il significato delle nostre narrazioni in modo semplice e rispettoso.

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Embodying the change - Conducting Playback theatre for social impact
a 30 mar

Embodying the change - Conducting Playback theatre for social impact

Embodying the change - Conducting Playback theatre for social impact with Devrim and Hani, Berlin 2025

Some of us want to use Playback Theatre as a tool for Social Justice. This can be done - and in our opinion should be done - anytime we can. 

Conducting means to guide a process and not just opening the space for those who want to speak and listening to them. As conductors we are the representatives of our team, we embody our stands, our principles and are responsible for what will be invited and accepted during the performance. 

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Playback Theatre Core Training
a 9 set

Playback Theatre Core Training

Playback Theatre Core Training @ OSHO Afroz 2025 with Devrim Nicolò Turletti, Accredited Trainer

During this training we will learn the basic skills of this practice, we will be ready to perform as an actor on stage. Our main tools will be our bodies, our voices, our creativity and imagination.

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Playback For All - The ACT APPROACH
a 10 nov

Playback For All - The ACT APPROACH

Inclusion is really not about inclusion, it’s a conscious practice of non-exclusion. If you have ever felt unwelcome or the odd one out in any social situation, you probably understand what this really means. Your choice to attend something, a lot of times, can depend more on what’s not there rather than what’s there. And the tiny detail that’s not there, in some cases, reads louder than all the perks that have been listed. That detail call out as an “un-invite” rather than an “invite”.

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The Sound of Words Without a Voice: Unlocking Artistic and Poetic Expression in Playback Theatre
a 29 set

The Sound of Words Without a Voice: Unlocking Artistic and Poetic Expression in Playback Theatre

In this weekend workshop, we will explore the art of acting on the Playback stage. Often, Playback actors simply show, illustrate or amplify the actions, facts, thoughts and feelings described by the teller. Those techniques alone rarely deliver a transformative experience.

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Boundaries - in the Playback Theatre performance
a 21 apr

Boundaries - in the Playback Theatre performance

In this 2-day workshop we will learn how to listen more deeply, with our whole body, in order to find in it the right input to give an appropriate response to a story. When we truly listen, when we are open to receive the resonance from our senses, our playback performance can only be true, spontaneous and genuine.

Once we learn how to truly listen, the confusion around the boundaries of stories disappears.

Our bodies know.

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Rituali - nel Playback Theatre e oltre
a 4 feb

Rituali - nel Playback Theatre e oltre

In questo workshop esploreremo la struttura del rituale, ripulendola e chiarendo cosa ne faccia parte e cosa no. Poi, ci dedicheremo a rompere i nostri rituali personali, trovando nuove forme espressive e ad individuare le tradizioni da mantenere, rinfrescando il nostro rapporto con il Playback.

Dedicheremo una parte del weekend alla supervisione e vedremo come il rituale possa esserci d’aiuto nel trovare risposta alle nostre domande. Porta la tua!

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Listening Hours
a 15 mag

Listening Hours

The Listening Hour is an hour in which we meet to share our personal stories and to listen to others’. The whole process is facilitated by a Guide, who at the end weaves together all the stories in a common narration. By highlighting the common meaning of the stories, the Guide links our experiences suggesting that my story is your story too. As a result, we often feel belonging, connected, filled with meaning and whole.

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The Stories of Some of Us: working with social justice and the social dimensions of stories on the Playback Theatre stage, w/ Gerry Orkin
a 5 nov

The Stories of Some of Us: working with social justice and the social dimensions of stories on the Playback Theatre stage, w/ Gerry Orkin

This two day workshop will give participants insights and skills that can be applied while responding to the social dimensions of stories.

We will also explore our own layers of bias and identity and the relevance of this work in company life and in building partnerships with organisations who seek a more socially just world.

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Dissolve into painting
a 24 ago

Dissolve into painting

A 3 day journey into the joy of creativity. An opportunity to awaken your energy and relax in the creative flow. Embody your totality and spontaneous being through painting, music and dancing. Exploring the creative process like we do, is an active -and yet relaxed- way of experiencing meditation, with the right support and no goals.

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Express your Heart - Playback Theatre Intensive
a 18 set

Express your Heart - Playback Theatre Intensive

This event is a two-days intensive Playback Theatre workshop where we are going to play with our creativity, exploring physical and vocal expression and reconnecting with our spontaneity.

In such complex times, we may feel easily emotional: sometimes it is hard to hold on to something stable when everything around us is going fast and constantly changing. The practice of conscious theatrical improvisation allows us to discover our true self, the part of us that is authentic and not ever changing according to the circumstances. Our center, our heart.

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Rediscovering Spontaneity - Playback Theatre Intensive
a 3 lug

Rediscovering Spontaneity - Playback Theatre Intensive

Rediscovering Spontaneity is a 3-days intensive group where we will reconnect with our natural way of expressing ourselves, through the use of Playback Theatre.

This is an amazing, yet very simple, improv technique that creates an atmosphere of safety, trust and intimacy where we can easily open up and express ourselves freely.

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