Meditative Art

Creative energy is nothing but your own life energy, it is endless and abundant. Painting can be a mirror, a way of seeing deeply into yourself. In this meditative technique we invite all our being to relax and express from the deepest parts of our soul. 

In Meditative Art, art is just the byproduct of personal exploration. One spends a couple of hours moving, traveling through the canvas, discovering whats available in the moment, and then takes a step back to look at the painting and realise the beauty that has always existed in and around us.

Curious about this journey? Check what happened in the last labs and events and get in touch to join us!

Art as medicine is an opportunity to explore the vast creative energy through art, music and movement.

This is a fully experiential work and suitable for all, with or without prior experience in painting, meditation or dancing.  During a session there are moments of creation, integration and sharing. We use different artistic and meditative techniques, the only goal is to savour and be aware of the process.

During the journey we enter in a deep state of connection and relaxation, opening the senses and the heart, exploring the bliss of creativity in total awareness.