🇮🇹 C’è ancora qualche posto libero! Per il gruppo di Ora di Ascolto in Italiano vai giù al punto 2.
🇪🇸 ¡Aún quedan lugares libres! Para el grupo Español de Hora de Escucha, baja al punto 3.
🇬🇧 There are still some spots left! Scroll down to know more.
In our ordinary day it’s not easy to find time and space where to connect authentically. It’s more and more difficult to listen and feel truly heard. Everything moves fast and we are often spaced out, preoccupied or distracted. We rush through circumstances and encounters without taking the time to really meet.
When we listen deeply we are present in our body, compassionate and accepting. We are there for the other as a mirror, we receive them without agreeing or disagreeing, analysing, interpreting or starting up a conversation. We just open our hearts and connect with each other, leaving our opinions and judgements aside.
The Listening Hour is an hour in which we meet to share our personal stories and to listen to others’. The whole process is facilitated by a Guide, who at the end weaves together all the stories in a common narration. By highlighting the common meaning of the stories, the Guide links our experiences suggesting that my story is your story too. As a result, we often feel belonging, connected, filled with meaning and whole.
With story we simply mean a moment of your life, an experience that you lived. No need to prepare it in advance but rather let the present moment inspire in you something that wants to be shared.
The Listening Hour can be a support in our daily life for:
* increasing our resilience;
* releasing tensions;
* finding new insights and inspiration;
* feeling heard, seen and accepted;
* feeling the connection with others.
Felt very fortunate this particular group of 5 individuals could come together via Zoom.
Everything shared was connected, precious and shifted something somewhere within.
To be in the same space with so many lived experiences, so willing to share, trusting and very vulnerable. We laughed, took sharp intakes of breath often, nodded enthusiastically. Just felt so lucky to take in everyone's verbal life sharing...connected weather past, recent or unfolding. Thankfully shared, heard.
I felt emotional, deeply connected with the other participants and with myself.
Devrim was a great host that made me feel free to open up my story and gave space to all of us . Also, I felt that with his reprise he touched something very delicate and deep.
I felt Blessed. Like I had soaked in a warm bath with scented oil.
The level of the stories was so deep. Devrim was giving time, breath, breadth and depth; holding us in a safe container, weaving the ritual with care; doing a profound and tender reprise in story language. Thank you.
All groups are happening online via Zoom.
Monthly session - Ongoing group
This group is divided into 7 meetings of 1 hour, on Tuesdays, from November 2023 till May 2024, at 4PM Central Europe time.
>/ 28th November 2023;
>/ 19th December 2023;
>/ 23rd January 2024;
>/ 20th February 2024;
>/ 16th March 2024;
>/ 16th April 2024;
>/ 14th May 2023.
There are few spots still available, you can join as many sessions as you want. It’s not compulsory to commit to all of them.
This practice is based on sharing our personal stories.
English will be the spoken language.
2. Ora di Ascolto - Edizione Italiana 🇮🇹
Da Novembre a Maggio, una sessione di Ora di Ascolto, un Mercoledì al mese alle 7 di sera ora Italiana.
L’Ora dell’Ascolto è un’ora, online, in cui ci incontriamo per condividere le nostre storie personali e per ascoltare quelle degli altri. L'intero processo è facilitato da una Guida, che alla fine intreccia tutte le storie in una narrazione. Evidenziando il significato comune delle storie, la Guida collega le nostre esperienze suggerendo che la mia storia è anche la tua storia. Di conseguenza, spesso sentiamo appartenenza, connessione, pienezza di significato e integrità.
Con storia si intende semplicemente un momento della nostra vita, un'esperienza che abbiamo vissuto. Non è necessario prepararla in anticipo ma piuttosto lasciare che il momento presente ispiri in noi qualcosa che vuole essere condiviso.
>/ 29 Novembre 2023;
>/ 20 Dicembre 2023;
>/ 24 Gennaio 2024;
>/ 21 Febbraio 2024;
>/ 17 Marzo 2024;
>/ 17 Aprile 2024;
>/ 15 Maggio 2023.
C’è ancora qualche posto disponibile. Puoi registrarti a quante sessioni desideri. Non è necessario partecipare a tutte, se non puoi.
Questa pratica è basata sulla condivisione di storie personali.
Lingua parlata: Italiano.
3. Hora de Escucha - Edición en Español 🇪🇸
Todos los Martes de Marzo 2024, una sesión de una hora a las 8 PM, hora Griega (Atenas).
La Hora de Escucha es una hora, en linea, en la que nos reunimos para compartir nuestras historias personales y escuchar las de los demás. Todo el proceso es facilitado por un Guía, quien finalmente entrelaza todas las historias en una narrativa. Al resaltar el significado común de las historias, la Guía conecta nuestras experiencias sugiriendo que mi historia es también la tuya. Como resultado, a menudo sentimos pertenencia, conexión, significado y integridad.
La historia simplemente significa un momento de nuestra vida, una experiencia que hemos vivido. No es necesario prepararlo con antelación sino dejar que el momento presente inspire en nosotros algo que quiera ser compartido.
>/ 05 Marzo 2024;
>/ 12 Marzo 2024;
>/ 19 Marzo 2024;
>/ 26 Marzo 2024.
Aún quedan algunos lugares disponibles. Puedes registrarte en tantas sesiones como quieras. No es necesario que asistas a todas si no puedes.
Esta práctica se basa en compartir historias personales.
Idioma hablado: Español Castellano.
I am Devrim Nicolò Turletti, actor for all my life, now Playback Theatre and Listening Hour Trainer and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator.
My interest is in growing and learning something about myself going through the body.
To do this I use of movement, art, creativity and meditation.