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5Rhythms® Sweat Eressos - Greece

Next dates - always @ Osho Afroz

Tuesday 28/5: 11- 13 h @ Ouranus

Tuesday 4/6: 11- 13 h @ Ouranus

Monday 17/6 : 11- 13 h @ Ouranus

Monday 8/7: 15-17 h @ Kosmos


What is 5Rhythms?

5Rihythms® is a meditative dance and movement practice rooted in the principle that if you set the psyche in motion, it will heal itself.

The movement is both medicine and metaphor, reaching across languages, cultures and age groups to transform suffering into art, art into awareness and awareness into action.

Wherever the 5Rhythms are practiced, a community is born to dance, sweat, change, support and provide a safe space for each of us to break the grip of the ego and awaken the juicy, unpredictable, fascinating, disturbing, rock star part of us themselves who desire to be free.

The practice is about being who you are, staying in the moment, following your energy through all the rhythms, as in life.

We dance to

… connect to our truth

…. be flexible when necessary

…. be assertive with our intentions

…. trust during difficulties

…. celebrate ourselves

…. feel effortlessly comfortable in our daily lives

…. rest when needed

….. all and none of the above


A 5Rhythms Sweat is a 1.5 hour session. We start with a warm-up, then an introduction to the 5Rhythms, followed by a 1-hour wave.

No previous experience in dance or meditation is necessary. The 5Rhythms can be practiced by anyone, regardless of any physical limitations, age or experience.

See you in Eressos, to attend, just drop in. If you wish, you may connect with Nirvana prior to coming via whatsapp : +39 349 8179937

April 20

Boundaries - in the Playback Theatre performance

June 13

Surrender to your colors - Painting and dancing in Eftalou