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OSHO Born Again + Introduction to Playback Theatre

  • Vilnius, Vilnius County Lithuania (mappa)


OSHO Born Again is a process created to support us into re-discovering the beauty of childhood. Not necessarily the one that we had but the one that we can have NOW. It is a Meditative Therapy designed to connecting with the freshness and innocence of childhood without going into psychological issues.

The course happens for 7 days, 2 hours/day, including one hour of allowing ourselves to just be children again and one hour of silent sitting.

In the first hour we are invited to become a child again and enjoy whatever shows up from the childlike energy we are into. Just behaving like a child,  moment by moment. It is a meditation that allows us to reconnect with spontaneity and playfulness, bypassing the analytical mind. In fact, the whole process happens without the use of words but just relying on our physical and vocal expression.

Then follows the hour of just sitting silently. You will be fresher and meditation will become easier.

This great experiment through which we are passing is basically to achieve your lost childhood again. When I say ‘your lost childhood,’ I mean your innocence, your eyes full of wonder, knowing nothing, having nothing, but yet feeling yourself at the top of the world. Those golden moments of wonder, joy, no tension, no worry, no anxiety, have to be regained, rediscovered. The sage is nothing but the circle that started in your birth coming full way, complete, back to the same point.

This is your second childhood. You are born again. Your eyes are no longer filled with the dust of knowing. But this not-knowing is a tremendous perceptivity, a great clarity. It does not need to know, because it feels, and feeling is a higher state than knowing. As the clarity becomes more and more transparent, instead of feeling it becomes your being.” 

- Osho

It is an individual process experienced in the collective, to discover our originality, individuality and freedom. A great chance to jump into the unknown, be authentic and find ourselves again and again, finding our center, our inner joy.



Playback Theatre is a form of improvisational theatre where people in the audience share something about themselves and the performers on stage play it back for them. 

In other words, 4 actors, one musician and a conductor listen to our personal stories and use their creativity to mirror them immediately on the scene, so that we can witness our narrations on the spot. 

During this workshop you will learn the basic skills of Playback Theatre and experience the process of sharing your experiences and having them being reflected back to you by the acting team. The main tools will be your body, voice, creativity and imagination.

To be a Playback Theatre actor we don’t need any previous experience or skill in acting or performing. This is a theatre that can be done by everyone, as it’s based on the spontaneity of movement and sound. 

The program includes: 

</  training in the use of the body and voice as improvisational tools; 

</  training in the basic forms of Playback Theatre;

</  introduction to improvising music;

</  Playback Theatre as a form of art.

Playback Theatre is a practice that enables us to talk about the stories that are stored in our bodies. By sharing them in a safe(R) space, we can see them, transform them and let them go.

The biggest skill we will be training is listening with our body. This is essential to deeply understand the story and be able to embody it fully on stage. From a deeper form of listening, a greater form of understanding and compassion will arise. 




SCHEDULE: 24th February - 02nd of March 2025, 2 hours and a half/day approx.

VENUE: Vilnius, venue to be announced.

COST: 210€ full price / 190€ off EARLY BIRD PRICE until 31st December. Deposit 100€.


SCHEDULE: 01st & 02nd of March 2025, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm.

VENUE: Vilnius, venue to be announced.

COST: 150€ full price / 120€ off EARLY BIRD PRICE until 31st December. Deposit 75€.

You can choose to book one of the workshops or both of them. If you book both of them there is a discounted price 300€ altogether. Deposit 150€.

Check out our refund policy.



I am Devrim Nicolò Turletti, actor for all my life, now Playback Theatre & Listening Hour trainer and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator.

My interest is in growing and learning something about myself going through the body.

To do this I use of movement, art, creativity and meditation.

16 febbraio

Fiducia - Una giornata di Meditazione attiva e 5Ritmi®

30 marzo

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