After the enthusiastic participation of many people at the events and performances during last season, this year for the first time a Playback Theatre Intensive group in OSHO Afroz. An amazing place where to relax, retreat and enjoy the welcoming atmosphere of the Greek island of Lesvos.
When we improvise we are true, spontaneous: our authentic self. By re-discovering our spontaneity, we reconnect with the qualities of our inner child, remembering and reminding ourselves what’s our true nature, who we really are.
Becoming aware of this is the only purpose of this practice.
Rediscovering Spontaneity is a 3-days intensive group where we will reconnect with our natural way of expressing ourselves, through the use of Playback Theatre. This is an amazing, yet very simple, improv technique that creates an atmosphere of safety, trust and intimacy where we can easily open up and express ourselves freely.
Playback Theatre is a form of improvisational theatre where the performers improvise on the spot starting from personal stories shared by the audience. By witnessing their lives being mirrored on the stage, everyone becomes involved in this process that moves fluidly from the personal to the social and archetypical dimension.
In this group, everyone is invited to try each role: being an actor, being a member of the audience, sharing their personal story and being a musician.
No previous experience is needed.
Everybody is welcome.
SCHEDULE: every morning 2 sessions of 2 hours each approximately, for a total of 4 hours/day.
I am Devrim Nicolò Turletti, actor for all my life, now Playback Theatre Practitioner, Listening Hour Guide and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator.
My interest is in growing and learning something about myself going through the body.
To do this I use of movement, art, creativity and meditation.