“Only that in you which is me can hear what I’m saying”.
~ Ram Dass.
A sharing group, a creative laboratory , a playground for grown-ups.
After the great experience and enthusiastic participation of last year, Experimenting with Playback Theatre is back! A weekly appointment with movement, expression, connection and sharing.
When we improvise we are true, we are our authentic self.
And whatever we do on stage is, in some way, a reflection of what we do in our life, of who we are. Becoming aware of this is our only purpose.
In this course we are going to learn online Playback Theatre, experiment with our creativity to find new ways of expression and use it as a chance to become more aware of ourselves.
Playback Theatre is a form of improvisational theatre where the actors and the musician improvise on the spot, starting from personal stories shared by the audience. Being mirrored on stage by our lives can be an effective tool to acknowledge, integrate, heal and let go of our stories.
Our group is open to people from all over the world. Being part of an international ensemble is an enriching experience, as it gives us the chance to include diversity in our discourse and become aware of what unites us as well as what makes us unique.
play like a child;
be weird, sound odd, look funny;
dance, dance, dance;
connect with your emotions;
express spontaneously;
have no agenda;
learn a conscious form of improv theatre;
listen from a deeper space;
awake your uniqueness, creativity, spontaneity;
resonate with and relate to others through your sharings.
This course is a good chance for beginners who want to learn more about Playback Theatre as well as for intermediate or advanced practitioners who want to experiment more, go deeper and challenge their creativity.
“Great introduction to Playback Theatre! Devrim is a caring and attentive teacher.
The online classes are heartwarming and playful, great as a creative practice of selfcare. You develope improvisation skills with fun and without pressure. Highly recommended!”
“It's fun. It's deep. It's intriguing. And it's meditation.
I have enjoyed everything I have done with Devrim. He is very talented in holding space.”
“Freeing, joyful and meaningful! I loved participating as a guest in the 2hr workshop - learned excellent improv skills for Playback Theatre, had opportunities to apply the learnings in a safe space with trusted others, and got to connect with others through play and storytelling.
Can't wait to do this again!”
The first cycle of Experimenting with Playback Theatre happens on Zoom every Tuesday from the 29th of November for 7 weeks (last class 10th of January) at 09.30 PM Eastern Europe Time.
The overall course is divided into 4 cycles of 8 classes each, from October till May.
>/ This is going to be our second cycle of classes. The space is open for new comers as well as for old friends.
>/ The spoken language will be English.
>/ No previous experience is needed.
About the conductor
I am Devrim Nicolò Turletti, actor for all my life, now Playback Theatre and Listening Hour trainer and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator.
My interest is in growing and learning something about myself going through the body.
To do this I use of movement, art, creativity and meditation.